Lighting Ideas To Enhance Your Landscaping Design

Landscape Design Challenges to Overcome

One feature of any landscaping design which always requires due care and attention is lighting. The fact that there are an almost unlimited number of different lighting types, numerous uses for lighting, and multiple ways in which lighting can be used in landscaping design, is positive. However, it also creates a problem in the sense that you have to narrow down so many choices.

If you want to have lighting in your garden and want your landscapers to include them in any landscape design they create, then you both have decisions to make. That being said, you might choose to hand over all the decision making to them and to include what lighting they think is best. However, would it not be better if you had some input, as ultimately it is you who will be using your new garden, not your landscaper?

For that reason, it is best that you at least have some say in what lighting is going to be included in your new garden design, and so here are some thoughts and ideas on what lighting can be used in a landscape design.


Inexpensive Ways To Give Your Landscaped Garden A Simple Makeover

Whenever a resident of New South Wales invests in hiring landscapers so that they can have a new garden that they and their family can enjoy, they need to be aware that once the garden is completed, they will need to undertake, and in some cases, pay for the garden’s maintenance.

The maintenance level and associated costs will depend on factors such as the complexity of the landscaping, the plants therein, and the size of the garden. Now, there will be some homeowners in New South Wales who carry out the maintenance of their garden diligently and others who are maybe not so keen; however, in both cases, there will come a point where their garden needs a bit of a revamp, with the difference being how soon in each case.

By revamping, we are not suggesting that they go to their landscaping company and ask for a completely new landscape design, but instead, they give their garden a bit of a makeover to give it a fresh look and feel. This could be done by spending lots of money, however, what we are going to do here is to try to save the good people of New South Wales some of their hard-earned cash by highlighting some inexpensive ways to give their landscaped gardens a makeover.


Symptoms of Addiction

Symptoms of Addiction

There are many types of addiction and many substances – and other things – that people can be addicted to. If you or a loved one are addicted to any substance, the sooner you get into drug rehab the better your chances are of getting over it and going on to lead a normal and healthy life. Sadly, in most cases people try to hide their addiction from those around them and continue to act normally, even when that is almost impossible.

There will always be symptoms of addiction for those who care enough to find out what to look for and who look deeply enough to find them. Here are some of the symptoms of addiction to alcohol or drugs. Some of these will only be known to the addict, while others can be recognised by parents or friends.


10 Landscape Design Trends That Are In Vogue In The Gardens Of New South Wales

In many aspects of life in New South Wales, some trends come and go, which will be in such niches as cooking, fashion, home furnishings, and the subject of this article, landscape design. It is true that if you were to look at landscaping, designed and created ten years ago, it would include many features that were in vogue then but which today might not get any consideration whatsoever.

The reasons landscaping trends alter can result from influences worldwide, whereby a celebrity’s garden is highlighted on TV, and suddenly, many landscape designers get requests for those same landscaping features the celebrity had in their garden.

Alternatively, there can be local factors where residents can view other landscaped gardens in towns and cities across New South Wales and see something new they like. Before you know it, many homeowners in that area are asking for those trending landscape design features.

So, as you read this, you might wonder what is currently trending in the world of landscaped gardens in New South Wales. Keep reading as highlights ten landscape design trends in vogue in the ‘Premier’ state’s parks.


Moisturiser Recommendations for Perth Weather

The Beauty Gallery’s Ultimate Guide to Perfectly Hydrated Skin

We all know that Perth’s weather can be as unpredictable as beautiful. One moment, you’re basking in the sun, and the next, you’re facing gusty winds that can leave your skin feeling parched and neglected. This is where The Beauty Gallery, an award-winning Salon and Day Spa in Perth’s northern suburbs, comes to your rescue as the place to buy beauty products. Our premium Thalgo moisturiser collection is tailored to the unique climate we experience in Perth. Today, explore our top picks that guarantee keeping your skin feeling lush, radiant, and deeply nourished.

Thalgo 24h Deeply Nourishing Body Cream

For a skin treatment beyond the superficial layer, Thalgo 24h Deeply Nourishing Body Cream is a match made in skincare heaven. The rich, velvety texture soaks into your skin and works around the clock, offering 24-hour hydration.

Real-life Testimonial: Philippa Ramsden found her sanctuary with us. She says, “The Beauty Gallery provides such a calming space and great products. I have had a few facials there; each experience has been fantastic. I also use the products at home, and my skin feels amazing. I would certainly recommend it!”

Thalgo 24hr Hydrating Body Milk

If you prefer a lighter consistency but still want that kick of hydration, this body milk is a divine option. Its fast-absorbing formula ensures you’re not left with a greasy residue, allowing you to get dressed immediately and take on the day!


5 Positive Reasons Why Funerals Are So Important After The Loss Of A Loved One

Whilst what funeral directors do as part of organising funerals involves many practical matters, such as planning the route, arranging for the required number of cars, and even booking the church for a religious funeral, they also have a role that involves advising, counselling, and consoling those who have been bereaved.

Following the death of a loved one, especially a sudden death, the immediate family of the deceased will be experiencing an array of emotions, including grief, anger, despair, and confusion, to name but four. Given that a funeral director might be one of the first people a family speaks to outside their immediate circle, it is safe to say funeral directors can help them in many ways.

One way that might manifest itself is in explaining to the family, not just in practical terms, such as how a funeral can be organised, but in a more meaningful and mindful way as to why the funeral is so vital in helping them move on from the loss of their loved one. Here are five reasons why a funeral is meaningful for those who have lost a loved one.


What are Ancient Grains?

Have you heard of Ancient Grains? This is a modern term created to help us distinguish authentic grains that have not been manipulated by modern agriculture as opposed to high-yield mass-produced genetically modified grains. Ancient grains contain higher amounts of amino acids, vitamins & minerals & fibre than today’s genetically modified processed grains.

The Best 5 Ancient Grains

1. Senatore Cappelli

Senatore Cappelliotherwise is known as Italian durum wheat. This large, more rigid golden wheat is ideal for whole-grain traditional Italian pasta recipes. Senatore Cappelli is the entire grain & should not be confused with common wheat used in baking bread. This wheat ancestor still contains gluten & is not recommended for coeliac or wheat sensitivity.


6 Physical Signs of Money Stress

6 Physical Signs of Money Stress

Your financial advisors may tell you that some of the most noticeable signs that you’re struggling with your money are that you don’t have enough of it to cover your bills and you’re not finding it easy to prioritise your payments or even consider retirement planning.

However, the signs of money stress can go far beyond what’s immediately apparent by looking at your accounts. It can start to present itself as physical signs of stress, such as these below.


Anything can cause a headache, such as a sensitised brainstem and triggers like particular food and beverages, exercise, and travel. However, money stress is most certainly something that can see the onset of a headache.

A study involving 267 people experiencing chronic headaches determined that in 45 percent of cases, a stressful event preceded it. Stress intensity was also thought to be linked to an increase in how many headaches some people experienced each month.


It can sometimes feel like you’ve just got over a cold or the ‘flu before you’re immediately back under the bed covers once more. A weakened immune system that makes you more susceptible to some illnesses can be caused by stress.


9 Ways Playing Virtual Darts Can Boost Your Health And Wellbeing

Augmented Reality for Darts: Unlocking a New Dimension of Fun

You may have heard about a recent phenomenon that has seen new venues sprout up in various towns and cities, and that phenomenon is augmented darts. It marries up state-of-the-art technology with the traditional game of darts which has been around for over 100 years, to create an activity that is fun, fulfilling, and in many cases highly competitive when a virtual darts league match is being played.

There are lots of reasons why people might play virtual darts with the majority of them being associated with a social occasion, however, virtual darts does provide several benefits for both your physical and overall wellbeing. Read on and we will explain nine of these so that the next time you are invited to play virtual darts, you can do so with the knowledge that apart from having fun, your wellbeing is also being catered for.

It Gets You Moving: We are not going to insult your intelligence and suggest that playing virtual darts is on the same physical level as jogging or swimming, however, it is certainly better than sitting in front of the TV, and you do have some physical activity when throwing and walking to and from the dartboard.


Do we really need powdered peanut butter?

Do we really need powdered peanut butter

Recently at a fitness expo in Melbourne, a beautiful but unfortunate young girl tried to sell my partner powdered peanut butter. Boy was she in for a treat!

“Where is the fat?” he asked, confused. “We take the fat out so it’s 85% less fat calories” she replied enthusiastically despite his look of horror.

She then described how amazing the powder is in smoothies and balls and that you can enjoy a (very highly-priced!) peanut butter without all the fat. “Then what’s the point?” he asked slightly annoyed by now. Dumbfounded she replied “peanut butter flavour, without the fat”. “And why is there added salt and sugar?” he asked. In response, she continued on about how good it tasted.
