Keeping Cooking Simple for Busy People

Cooking Simple

Whether they’ve been chasing toddlers around all day or go to work, when it comes time to put the evening meal on, many women simple don’t feel like cooking. It is an effort to think straight when you are tired and have to make sure the laundry and the children’s homework is done, so you tend to choose the easiest recipes to cook, something that doesn’t have you measuring out 15 different ingredients and using 5 different pots to cook one single recipe. In fact, any recipe that includes more than 4 ingredients is banned from at least two busy people’s kitchens.

But even tired cooks still want to keep the family’s diet as healthy as possible. A recipe does not have to be complicated to be healthy. When you think about it, healthy food is not difficult to cook at all. In fact the healthiest food you can have is salad, which does not require any cooking and often, hardly any preparation apart from washing and slicing or grating. Not to mention, many salads can be bought already prepared.
