How to Go Plastic-Free

plastic free sustainability

In a world where sustainability matters, many people have started looking at the option of going plastic-free. The affordability and convenience of plastic ensure that it’s a hard decision to make, but it can be a worthwhile one.

Whether you want to do your part for the environment or feel good about your contribution to society as a whole, then read on. Here are a few helpful tips to put you on the path to going plastic-free for good.

Use Reusable Shopping Bags

Going plastic-free and being more aware of sustainability is a big step to take, but you can start small and still make a lot of progress. One such way to do that is by using reusable shopping bags, rather than single-use ones.

Fortunately, here in Australia, we’re all encouraged to do that anyway. ACT banned plastic bags in 2011, and more states, such as South Australia, Tasmania, and the Northern Territory, followed suit. You can purchase reusable grocery bags from most supermarkets.
