7 Awesome Tips for Keeping Your Oriental Rugs In Prime Condition

7 Awesome Tips for Keeping Your Oriental Rugs In Prime Condition

One matter that often gets ignored, or at best, forgotten about, when a discussion about upholstery cleaning takes place,  is rugs. In some homes rugs tend to be the poor relation compared to the carpets with them often placed where they will take the most abuse such as doorways, never cleaned, and simply discarded when they become soiled and threadbare.

However, some rugs deserve far greater care than what we have just described, and a prime example is oriental rugs. Oriental rugs are often given pride of place in a lounge or dining room and seen as part of the overall ambience in a room. They also cost a lot more than basic rugs. To prolong their life and keep them in the best possible condition they require special care over and above basic carpet cleaning. Here are seven examples of that.

Vacuuming: It is a common issue when vacuuming takes place in a home, that rugs are lifted out of the way, and when placed down again, they are not vacuumed. It is essential for the long term condition and cleanliness of your oriental rug it is vacuumed at least twice per week.
