10 Tips to Get the Best Out of Your Botox Injections

Botox Injections

Many women get upset when wrinkles appear and make them look older than they are. They turn to cosmetic surgery options in order to stay looking younger for as long as possible.  If you are considering having Botox injections to smooth out those wrinkles it is a good idea to know exactly how to get the best results. Here are 10 tips to help you.

  • Consult with a registered and experienced cosmetic surgeon and only be treated by someone whose ideas are in line with yours. If you don’t like that ‘frozen’ look and your doctor does it will mean that your dream of a smoother yet natural face may remain just that.
  • Always tell the doctor what medications you are on, including vitamin supplements and herbal remedies, even if they are over the counter medications. Some of these have a blood thinning effect and the doctor may require you to go off them some days before treatment to minimise bruising.


How to Get the Best Results from Liposuction

Best Results from Liposuction

Liposuction is not a weight loss regime; it is done to remove lumps and bumps of fatty tissue that look unsightly, but it is really for sculpting the body shape, not to lose weight. That said, some weight loss will occur after it because during the procedure fat is sucked out of the body.

After the procedure you will find that there is swelling and some hardness as the body works to break down and get rid loosened fat deposits that were not removed. This can last up to 6 months, depending how comprehensive the liposuction was. But often swelling has all disappeared by 3-4 months. There are some things you can do both before and afterwards to help get the best results from your liposuction procedure.


Side Effects of Juvederm Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers

As with any product that is used on or in the skin, there can be side-effects. One person may have none at all, while the next person could have a serious reaction. Much depends on what the product is and what the person’s genetic make-up or health history is. Some side effects are very rare, but they do exist so should be mentioned, while others are more common, but less likely to be severe. Here are some of the side effects of dermal fillers using Juvederm.

Severe or milder allergic reaction to either lidocaine or the bacterial proteins that comprise part of the product. This can be anaphylaxis at its severest, a form of toxic shock that is life-threatening.

If you have a history of allergies it is wise to avoid using dermal fillers, or at least have a test to see if you are allergic to it.
